Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Unnecessary But Lovely Things for Book People on Etsy

Because I need to spend money on absolutely nothing this month in order to stay on budget, I went over to Etsy and perused for all things bookish. I am a weak, weak woman.

Unnecessary But Lovely Thing 1: Book Pillow

This is kind of clever! I totally wish I'd thought of it first, because it makes a terrible kind of logical "but I bought it because it's useful" sense. I'm not sure how well I could actually put it into practice, though. I'm more of a "lean backwards to read" type of gal. But it's a step in a clever direction.

Unnecessary But Lovely Thing 2: Vintage Pulp Novel Wrist Pouch

No, there is simply no excuse except "I didn't have a purse with a dame on it already". And I love that it just slides around your wrist.

UBLT 3: Recycled Harlequin Romance Journal

Finally! The answer to what to do with that big stack of already-read Harlequins you're never going to touch again! Also, there'd be a strange sort of satisfaction in perverting the paradigm of heteroromance by scribbling your latest m/m story inside....

Okay maybe that last one's just me. 

(Must be good and touch nothing. Touch nothing, buy nothing...)

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